"This has all been the most 
extraordinary adventure!" - Anonymous 

      As a final note I am making this entry, and as it is to be my last entry, I will explain myself and these blogs to my understanding and intent.

       Firstly, I consider these blogs to be one large, interconnected multi - media work of fine art. This is how they are meant to be viewed, as entertainment not to be misconstrued as either "fact" or "fiction", though most of even the most unbelievable tales told really happened to me. I should say that they all actually happened, they just defy reasonable or easy explanation. When I try to explain, theorize, I sound foolish, so I won't say "I know". This also leaves way for the doubters, as it is their right.

        As an artist,  and a very bi - polar one, the expression of my thoughts, feelings, and emotions happen in a very fluid and perhaps all too inconsistent manner. 

        I think this is consistent with all of us as emotional beings, when we are relating a tale, or capturing a moment with others, our sentiment can be the same or different based on what we are going through at that particular moment.

         At no point in time did I expect to lose all of my thousands of pages of notes for my unfinished novels. At no point in time did I expect not to be able, despite all of my best efforts , to convert my skills into monetary means that would sustain, and through re-investment, help me accomplish what the other projects entail to succeed.

        The inconsistencies here are all a representation of my struggles as an artist, a writer, and a very poor man (unwealthy) in need of a break to clinch and claim his worldly treasures. At times I am excited, confident, self assured. At others I am dizzy, depressed, deluded and in despair. Yet more often I am designing a direct solution to get it done, and always applying all of what little I own, to designate material. 

        These stories, culpably so, are the true tales, spun yarns, fabricated fiction, cosmically comedic scripts, predated poetry, rusty musicianship, and very amateur videography put to the gallery of my Lifeline Android camera , Fancy fonts, and Polish application feats.

        I do not recommend to anyone, anywhere, at any time to mimick, act in mirroring of, or dedicate of their own doing many of the dangerous, and risky things I have done.

        I am a very unique individual, and a very lucky one at that.


       I am born a Scorpio with the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Uranus in my First House.


       Am I sad to have it end, what with no profit?

       No, because if paid at $22 an hour, a lowball figure, then I forever own $250,000 in websites. This is obviously not liquid, but still my pride and joy, and the healing I have experienced through this, is priceless.

        In saying so, I implore you to enjoy Ozenoz Media for all that it may relate to you. 


J.E. Ayers Brooks

Founder/Sole Contributor


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